Who We Are

The LDSkills4You project consists of four European partners from four different countries.

For more than 20 years the ibis acam Bildungs GmbH successfully empowers people to personal and professional success through education and has purposely served as connecting element between the economy, labour market and the people. We support people in expanding their skills and perspectives in order to take advantage of new professional opportunities and to shape their lives on the basis of a desirable and realistic vision of their own future. We believe that learning with agility, courage and in a self-determined and self-motivated way, our vocational trainings can empower people to find their purpose. Our values form the basis for our actions, and we are convinced that this is how we make an important and sustainable contribution to society.

The main focus at the Consultancy of Social Innovation is to create impact and sustainability by innovative approaches to solve existing social challenges and requirements. They believe in the potential of people and therefore their main objective is empowerment to raise capacities for finding most appropriate and effective solutions. In this way they aim to support the change and upskilling processes in organisations and institutions to improve the results and sustainability of their work.

The main activity areas of the Consultoría de Innovación Social are employability, gender equality and international cooperation. They focus on promoting change in these areas by participating in innovative projects on national and international level, thus also improving the exchange of best practices and learning from each other. Additionally, they provide trainings and seminars on regional level.

MISSION : Our mission is to develop predominantly in Central Transdanubia Region those NPOs and other active members of society working in different sectors and branches who are committed to quality and transparent operation and who are open for partnership, with providing creative services and innovative tools that would facilitate them and adapt them to challenges.

VISION: The Civil Centrum Foundation set out to make trust the foundation of society in Hungary. It strives to create a tranquil and consistent communal life by encouraging active members of society to be united, to work in partnership, and to take responsibility for their environment and for each other. Moreover, it also works getting those members to expect of themselves to be authentic, reliable, and transparent in their activities.

We believe that the competitiveness of organizations is ensured by the continuous intellectual and spiritual development of people and their well-being in private and at work. We work every day to make the society based on trust with its members acting in partnership, taking responsibility for each other and their environment at both on individual and organizational levels.

“Our mission and our profession are also our passion.”

Pistes-Solidaires is an association that develops its object in projects and actions around the 4 pillars for a 21st century education of UNESCO.

1/ Youth
Pistes-Solidaires aims to open young people to the world, to help them understand and experience it. As a major player in the international mobility of young people, we accompany hundreds of young people every year to live the unique experience of a voluntary service or an internship abroad.

2/ Social transition
In a few decades the world has changed, quickly and a lot. Accompanying and understanding change are at the heart of this work area where research and innovation in the educational, social and socio-cultural fields are combined on a European scale. Working on the same subject with European partners provides new answers to both European and local problems (social inclusion, ecological transition, digitalization of work, school drop-out, etc.).

3/ European citizenship
Understanding the world around us means understanding where we are and who we are. Informing, advising and animating are 3 actions that we develop to allow a better knowledge of the European Union, of the countries that make it up, to understand its functioning and its importance in our daily life..